
Owner responsible for this website

Familie Lanz
Unterlände 5
39037 Vals/Mühlbach
Südtirol - Italy

Phone +39 388 77 07 444


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Legal representative: Lanz Gregor

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This website is a creation of Bagasch - Atelier für Reklame

Concept | coordination | text

Bagasch - Atelier für Reklame

Kirchgasse 4
39032 Campo Tures - South Tyrol
+39 347 250 68 51 -


Webdesign | Illustrations | Programming

hantha. Web Performance Experts
Dick 48/B - 39058 Sarntal
South Tyrol - Italy



  • Benno Prenn Photography
  • Helmuth Rier
  • Hannes Niederkofler
  • Rotwild
  • Tourismusverein Gitschberg Jochtal & IDM: Alex Filz, Harald Wisthaler, Daniel Mair, Thomas Monsorno, Daniel Mair, Dolomiti TV, Schloss Rodeneck, Brandnamic
  • Unsplash/Simon Lee, Viktor Talashuk, Sead Dedic, Wassim Chouak, Aaron Burden, Else Marie de Leeuw, Galina N, Mitch Fox, Kat Banachowicz, Zach Reiner, Voicu Hora Iu, Gio Bartlett, Daniel Haaf, Alexander van Steenberge, Phil Plante, Anton Nazaretian, Sviatoslav Huzii, Matteus Silva, Corina Rainer, Nick Grappone, Andra Ambrosini, Jacqueline o Gara, Monika Grabkowska, Sebastien Bourguet, Greg Shield, Tadeusz Lakota
  • IDM/Alex Filz, Andreas Mierswa

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