Hooray for the mountain air! That's why the mountains are so good for you.

The mountain air is said to make you fitter, more beautiful, healthier and more productive. Here you can read why a hiking holiday is so healthy. Extra: Our 3 best tips for your high-altitude hike in the Valler Valley. 

Top athletes have been utilising the benefits of mountain air for a long time. Whether as passive altitude training or intensive hypoxia interval training: those who spend long periods of time at a certain altitude can look forward to a whole range of health benefits. Our chalet village is located at 1,300 metres above sea level and is therefore your perfect "home base" for a gentle introduction to the world of altitude training. But why is mountain air actually so healthy and how can you make the most of the positive effects of a mountain holiday?

We have put together some interesting facts about the topic for you:

High altitude air is good for the blood. 

The higher the altitude, the less oxygen there is in the air. Your body reacts to this and produces more red blood cells than usual. This in turn ensures that your system learns to utilise the available oxygen more effectively.

Pretty smart with mountain air

Have you ever noticed how fit many elderly mountain dwellers still are? This is (also) due to the mountain air. Not only is general well-being increased at altitude, but blood circulation and the immune system are also positively influenced. And this naturally has an effect on brain function and the complexion. Provided you use sun cream, up here the UVA and UVB rays have a completely different power. But that's worth a separate Valler Berg story. 


Mountain air for heavenly sleep and deep relaxation

Why do you sleep so well in our forest chalets? It's certainly due to the exclusive solid wood furnishings and the loving flair. But the mountain air also plays its part. Up here, the quality of the air is simply better and cooler than down in the valley. Especially in the summer months, this provides relief in the truest sense of the word for heat-stricken city dwellers and allergy sufferers. We are curious: What effects does the height have on you? Write us, we're always happy to receive a few lines from you! 


The three most beautiful high-altitude hikes in the Valler Tal valley

Mountain air is at its most effective when you get moving. The most beautiful and easiest way to do this is hiking. We reveal our three favourite high-altitude hikes for all fitness levels:


Mountain air for beginners: Take the Jochtalbahn cable car up to around 2,000 metres and follow trail 1A for around 2.5 kilometres. After a good 45-minute walk, you will reach the Steinermandl panoramic platform

High-altitude hike for mountain enthusiasts: A wonderful three-and-a-half-hour hike leads along the Rotenstein high mountain trail. You start at around 1,300 metres at the Jochtal valley station and hike around 10 kilometres to the Fane Alm alpine pasture at 1,750 metres.

A highlight for experienced hikers: A three-thousand metre peak once in your life? Then this one! Although the Wilde Kreuzspitze is the highest peak in the Pfunderer mountains, it is not technically very difficult. In 6.5 hours walking time, you will cover a total of 1,400 metres in altitude. 



The greatest wonders reveal themselves in small things. We love to linger and take a closer look. The world around our holiday chalets in Alto Adige is full of wondrous tales and we are only too happy to share them with you.


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