Hungry? Off to the forest with you!

We could actually just send our guests out into the forest to eat. After all, all kinds of green delicacies, real vitamin bombs and surprising culinary delights grow out there. Don't worry, we will continue to spoil you with freshly cooked and finely refined dishes in our Eggile restaurant. But it's true and we've come full circle: the forest and meadows are our favourite suppliers of exquisite ingredients! Come with us on a foray through our South Tyrolean mountain nature and discover what grows where and how we like to use it. 

Wild, these herbs!

Without wild herbs? Without us! The young, juicy greenery that grows out there is an essential part of our kitchen philosophy at the Eggile gourmet restaurant. It's not for nothing that we are proud to bring you the "flavour of the forest" in a special way. Dandelion, nettle, ground ivy, sorrel, wild garlic, yarrow, ribwort and lungwort are just some of the many, many edible plants that grow out there in the forest. Before you get the idea of marching off and filling your bellies, here's some well-intentioned advice: even if most of the South Tyrolean flora is edible, you should always consult a knowledgeable person, relevant literature or at least a clever app. If in doubt: Don't eat! Or: play it safe and trust our kitchen team. You can book a table at Eggile here. Be sure to try it: The wild herb salad with camembert and berries. 


Vitamin bombs!

Which brings us to the next topic: We love berries! We still have to be patient, but soon carpets of wild blueberries and strawberries (you can find one of our favourite recipes below) will cover the forest floor. Another delicious natural treasure: elder with their flowers and berries, juicy and sour cranberries and rose hips rich in vitamin C. 


Mushrooms, leaves and nuts

We'll have to leave the many mushrooms that sprout from our forest floor to one side here - they deserve their own story, which we'll tell you later. No less exciting: we make syrup from the fresh shoots of the larch tree, and spruce shoots make a wonderful honey. And the mountain pine can be used to make not only an essence for sore muscles, but also a delicious risotto. And when autumn arrives, chestnuts beckon. But that's another story. Now we want to reveal one of our favourite sweet recipes and hope you enjoy cooking it!


Valsegger wild strawberry parfait: 

  • 250 g wild strawberries
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • 50 g glucose syrup
  • 50 ml water
  • 125 ml cream
  • Juice of one lemon

  1. Puree the strawberries with 25 g sugar in a blender and pass through a sieve
  2. Beat the egg whites until only half stiff. Dissolve the remaining sugar and glucose syrup in water and heat to approx. 118°. Gradually stir the sugar solution into the egg white mixture and beat until cold. 
  3. Mix the egg white mixture with the strawberry puree. 
  4. Fold in the whipped cream and lemon juice.
  5. Leave to stand in the freezer for 2 hours. 
  6. Enjoy!

The greatest wonders reveal themselves in small things. We love to linger and take a closer look. The world around our holiday chalets in Alto Adige is full of wondrous tales and we are only too happy to share them with you.


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