Jenny gets you ready for winter: how to survive the cold on your skin, hair and muscles.

Yes, men may also read on, after all, a well-groomed gentleman is extremely well received by the opposite gender. In the latest Valsegger mountain story, our Jenny tells you how to get through the winter radiantly beautiful.

The Interview

Jenny, winter is just around the corner. How can we keep our muscles supple, our hair shiny and our skin radiant?

Jenny (smiling): Winter really is a challenge for the body, but it's also a wonderful time for self-care. Above all, moisture is essential in winter, whether for your skin or your hair. And of course, exercise is also important to help you stay fit, in a good mood and relaxed!

Let's start with your skin. What is particularly important in winter?

Jenny: Your skin loses a lot of moisture due to the dry air from the heating and the cold outside. To protect it, I recommend rich creams with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerine or natural oils. Another must is a gentle exfoliator. This removes dead skin cells without irritating the skin – especially important in winter to keep it radiant and smooth. And don't forget: even in winter and especially up here in the mountains, the skin needs UV protection! Especially when there's snow on the ground, sunlight is reflected, which can damage the skin.

What about our hair? Does it need some attention in winter too?

Jenny: Absolutely! Dry heated air and cold temperatures make hair brittle and breakable. Nourishing oils such as argan or coconut oil can help here. They nourish the hair and restore moisture. I also recommend using a hair mask at least once a week. And another thing: less heat! Straightening and excessive blow-drying can damage your hair even more in winter. And don't wash your hair too often so that your scalp can retain its natural oils – these are especially important right now.


What can you advise us to do for our muscles so that we don't get rusty?

Jenny (laughs): A winter holiday at Valsegg! With downhill and cross-country skiing, winter hiking and tobogganing, you'll stay active. It's very important to keep moving during the cold season. You can always go for a walk even in the thickest snow flurry. And if necessary, there are always indoor sports. My tip: regular stretching exercises. In winter, you often sit inside for longer periods of time, and your muscles can quickly become tense. Dynamic stretching exercises help to maintain flexibility and gently warm up your body.

And one final extra tip?

Jenny (smiling): Absolutely! Regular visits to the sauna are invaluable in winter. The warmth relaxes the muscles and boosts circulation. It's also good for the skin, leaving it looking fresher and more radiant. So treat yourself to a sauna session now and then! At Valsegg, you even have your own sauna in your chalet.

Find out more about Jenny, our spa offers at the Waldbad here. And at this point you can learn more about our Private Spa Chalet Valsegg.


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