Sometimes splashing quietly, sometimes roaring. But always steadily and inexorably, the water from the mountain heights makes its way underground through our forest. We here in Valsegg have the great fortune to be able to call a spring our own. Water is liquid gold. Elixir of life. The source of everything. That's why we cherish our spring and hold our crystal-clear, pure mountain water in high regard. All you have to do is turn on the tap in your chalet. And it will start flowing for you. Take a sip. Can you taste it? Of course, our forest water not only refreshes you on the inside, but also in the shower and in the pool. If you want to know exactly where our water comes from, you should come along on one of our forest walks. Gregor and Grandpa Seppl will not only show you our spring, but will also let you in on the secrets of the forest. And what could be better than combining a few quiet moments in nature with valuable insights?
Miracle Forest:
of clear waters and fresh greenery

Your own tree in the Valsegg forest
Whatever questions you may have about fir, larch, spruce or pine - our two "forest men" are sure to have an answer. After all, they deal intensively with the greenery that surrounds our Valsegg every day. Even more: Valsegg IS the forest. After all, we built our chalets with wood from our own forest. And the cosy warmth also has its origins there. We use wood chips from our own forestry for heating. It is important to us to give back to nature what we have taken from it. And that's why we cherish and care for our tree population. And because not only men should have planted a tree once in their life, we invite you all to plant trees together from May to mid-June. You will be amazed at how your personal little tree grows and flourishes. And we firmly believe that it will be happy to see you again on your next holiday with us in Valsegg.
The greatest wonders reveal themselves in small things. We love to linger and take a closer look. The world around our holiday chalets in Alto Adige is full of wondrous tales and we are only too happy to share them with you.
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