A Garden of Eden for people, flora and fauna.

A cool breeze caresses the reeds. An iridescent dragonfly settles at your feet. The sun’s rays glisten on the gentle ripples. A pleasant shiver of serene happiness flows through you. All is well in the here and now, at our natural bathing lake in Valles in Alto Adige. This is one of our favourite places in our chalet village by the forest. Maybe soon it will be yours, too.

Relax by the water

A lot of love and care went into building our natural pond. May it become a little paradise. For people and nature. We think it is a wonderful example of how harmony is possible if you only make an effort. This makes our natural pond a richly faceted place. Wonderfully versatile. Sometimes a quiet zone and temple for sun worshippers. Sometimes cool water for diving deep. Fed by our own forest spring, the crystal-clear water is also home to our fish. Gregor will teach you the art of fishing if you like.


The greatest wonders reveal themselves in small things. We love to linger and take a closer look. The world around our holiday chalets in Alto Adige is full of wondrous tales and we are only too happy to share them with you.


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